HelMSIC Exchange Conditions

SCOPE Exchange Conditions

Level of studies
All students applying for a professional exchange must be clinical.

Type of Clerkship
Clinical. Please bring your white coat and stethoscope with you.

English is required according to IFMSA regulations.
Adequate level of understanding / speaking English or Greek is required, otherwise the Local Committee has the right to interrupt the clerkship.
In some clinics other languages are also used. 

Duration of Clerkship
4 weeks, this period is not expandable.

Periods & Towns
1. Athens and around locations: All year round, except August, April and May
2. Thessaloniki: all year round, except June, September, December, January and February
3. Patra : June, July, September, October, November, March, April and May
4. Crete:10 July - 10 August
5. Ioannina: March, August, October, November, December
6. Kavala: 15th July – 15th August
7. Alexandroupoli : July
8. Larissa : All year round, except June,July,August

Students are recommended to make at least 3 choices on the AF, since the first choice cannot always be provided.
If you fill in only one choice, this does not mean that you will be placed in that city, but that you agree to any city, if the one chosen is not available.

Application documents & deadline
All documents are required to be in ELECTRONIC FORM and must be sent until the 15th of MARCH!!!

All the documents for exchanges untill September must be send until the 15th of March.
for exchanges from October and after the documents must be send 3 months prior to the exchange.
*the e-AF MUST be stend until the 15th of MARCH!!* 

The application must include:
  • Application Form (AF) of the IFMSA (filled in through e-exchange)
  • 4 photos (passport size)
  • Enclosed with your form a typed letter of motivation
  • A proof of enrolment (certified by the University that the student attends). For those who have already been graduated the proof of enrolment must be valid until 6 months after having taken the degree, so that graduated students are accepted ONLY 6 months after the graduation.
  • Valid Insurance Certificate.
  • The student is required to fill in the rules form, which can be downloaded from the following link: www.helmsic.gr
  • Proof of vaccination/immunisation status as required from the following form: www.helmsic.gr

  • The vaccination/immunisation form must be filled in and STAMPED by a doctor.
  • OFFICIAL National or International Certificate of English level (NOT signed by NEO)
  • All documents must be in English
  • If the student has not sent a CC 4 weeks before the clerkship starts the clerkship will be cancelled
  • The vaccination/ immunisation form, the rules form and the health insurance must be sent 1 MONTH before the beginning of the clerkship along with the CC
  • All the above documents must be sent on time, otherwise the Local Officers have the right to cancel the clerkship.

Health insurance is required and must be arranged by the student and a certificate must be sent along with CC. Students without insurance will not be accepted.

Social Program
Provided by each local committee in each city , depending on the time of the year and the availability of the members of the LC.

Some Non-EU countries require visa
Please check with the local Greek Embassy and inform us so an invitation letter will be sent to the student


Special Remarks
  • At the beggining of the exchange, the student MUST pay an amount of 70 euros as a deposit, which will be returned by the end of the clerkship, if no damages are made
  • As stated in the SCOPE bylaws, any damages made in the place of lodging by the incoming srudent MUST be paid by him/her
  • Board and lodging is provided only for students with CAs, this is not provided for friends and relatives. If the exchangee takes advantage of the board and lodging offered by the committee to host another person,his/her clerkship will be interrupted.
  • Pets are not allowed.
  • Clerkships may be automatically cancelled if the Local Committee receives claims from the hospital or the dormitories. In case of lodging in an apartment the student is required to pay a guarantee defined from the LC, which will be returned at the end of the clerkship.
  • Picking up the students is offered only during day. The Local Committee cannot guarantee that there will be someone available to pick you up during the night.
  • People coming in the winter: please bring with you warm clothes.
  • Students are supposed to arrive to Greece on or after the date that clerkship starts, due to complications with lodging if they arrive earlier. Also, the student is required to arrive within 4 days from the start of the clerkship.
These remarks are very important to us and any student not following them will make us cancel his/ her clerkship.

SCORE Exchange Conditions

Deadline for application (months in advance)
 3 months

Documents required

Digital Documents ONLY!
  • CV and Motivation Letter (included in eAF)
  • OFFICIAL Language Certificate (NOT signed by NEO/NORE)
  • 4 passport photos
  • Immunization form (www.helmsic.gr) and Health insurance to be sent latest 1 month before the exchange.
  • In the AF all three choices should be written (at least two different Local Committees)
  • The students are accepted only in calendar months (1st-31st month, if not differently specified by the project)
Special Requirements
eAFs & documents should be sent by the end of each year's March Meeting for incoming students for months April - September.
eAFs & documents for incomings October - March should be sent until the 10th of September.

Available Universities / Cities for Incoming Students
University of Athens (Athens): all months except April,May and August
University of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki): all months except June, September, December, January, February
University of Patras (Patras): July, September, October, November
University of Crete (Heraklion): 10 July - 10 August
University of Ioannina (Ioannina): March, October, November, December
Demokritus University of Thrace (Alexandroupolis): July
University of Thessaly (Larissa): all except August

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